Saturday, June 2, 2012

gene marshal trail

A little while back, our troop took an extended trip from the Cuyama Valley to Bear Trap, then Bear Trap through Haddock, 3 Mile, and Pine Mountain Lodge to Piedra Blanca. The final day we made a short hike out to the cars and headed home. The trip was incredible, at times it felt like we were hiking on the east coast and the lower Sierras. I also finally hiked my 1,000th mile with Troop 26.

Please comment, share, and enjoy!

Gene Marshall Trailhead

A Sunsetty Start

Golden Trees

Vibrant Flowers by Dusk

1,000 Miles
Hiking in the dark, I got my 1,000th mile.

Water by Morning

A Tree Fell Over

Southern California?

A Dead Bear
We found a bear!

The Bear's Paw

A Dead Mini-Bear
And we found a dead mini-bear.

Rising Rocks

Back Down the Valley

A Jet Over Nature

Hazy Hiking

A Red Snow Plant

The Rock Face
The rock face

Some Shrooms

Taking the High Road

My Trusty Backpack

Two Wilderness Explorers

The Demon That Is Buck Thorn
I hate Buckthorn.

Buck Thorn, Bleeding, and Clippers

A Dry Hot Canyon at the Finish

The Third Dead Animal
And one more dead animal.

Socks and Tents

A Crooked and Green Yucca

Back Up Canyon

Piedra Blanca

Stark Rock

Piedra Blanca World

Snow From the Trees

Thank you for viewing!