Saturday, March 31, 2012


Six years ago I went on my first backpacking trip. I was lucky enough to be heading to what I believe is the most beautiful place in the world; Havasupai. This isolated side canyon of the Grand Canyon is only accessible by horse, helicopter or a 10 mile hike. Six years ago, that hike was quite an ordeal, but the stunning azure waters and massive red walls got me hooked on backpacking. I could not wait to return and I finally got the chance this Spring break. This time, I had the photographic drive to document the trip, although I can say that nothing truly captures how this place looks.

Please comment, critique, share and above all, enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoy this magical place.

Havasu Falls and Azure Pools

Mooney Falls by Base

Fire Danger Today is Thiiiiiiis Much

Havasu Canyon
We hike off to the right around the corner.

Switch Backs and Horses

Looking Down-Canyon
The village of Supai is a bit behind the butte on the upper left.

Arabian Death Cactus
A fine specimen of Arabian Death Cactus

Hiking Through Boulders

Fill All the Holes

Fins of Rock and Hikers

New Navajo Falls and Rock Falls
These falls did not exist the first time I visited Havasupai. A flood in '08 carved out this ravine.

Havasu Falls by Sun

Havasu Falls by Lower

A World Class View for an Outhouse

The Flow Through Camp

Mooney Falls This Way

Descending the Chains
This is only about the lowest 1/3 of the chains required to get down.

Mooney Falls by Half Way

Mooney Falls Flows By

Beaver Falls

Azure and Milky Water

Dunking by Falls

Beaver Falls by Top

That Water

Creek Trail
The trail and creek are the same thing for a good portion of the hike.

A View Up Canyon

Mineshaft Excursion
We found a mine shaft/cave in camp.

Stars Over Camp

It is a Desert

Drudging Out

Color in the Desert Canyon

Despite the Odds

Resting in the Shade

A Cowboy of the Desert
Kevin found a lasso on the trail and proceeded to wrangle us as we ignored him.

Smoke Stack

Looking Down Canyon

A Fine Group of Backpackers
It would be hard to find a better group of people for a backpacking trip.

Thumbs Up for Kamping!
Thumbs up for kamping!

Thank you for viewing! And a footnote; thank you Cole for letting me borrow the Tokina fisheye lens.

Monday, March 19, 2012

sb dual meet

Here are the pictures from the dual meet against Santa Barbara HS. I believe we won.

Please enjoy the photos!

Eric Floating


Out of the Blocks

Hot Air Balloon

Gracefull 200 Turn

Rocio by Light

Joe Runs

Pointing at the Runner

The Most Exciting 3200m Ever

A Track Crosser

Always Looking Good

Dainty Hand Off

Heading Out

4 Hand Off

Winning A Race

Thanks for viewing!