Although I missed the best day of this swell, the waves were still excellent today. There were a ton of people out enjoying the surf but there were still tons of glassy waves to be had. These are pictures of those waves caught by Joe. And a couple scenery shots.
Please share, comment, and enjoy!
A pause in the waves sent me looking for other things to photograph. More surfing after these 3!
It was pajama day and I had a camera and a reflector. I've also been trying out my dad's old 35mm film camera and using my regular DSLR to meter and check exposure before I use a frame of film. I can't wait to see the results of that roll of film.
Anyway, enjoy this random grouping of photos of great people. And btw, this is the 50th post on my blog. Woohoo!
We had an amazing season. And for me, an amazing four years with a team I sometimes thought of as a second family. Our girls posted some good last times. It was great getting to watch our young guys team run at Mt. SAC even on the rain course. Next year, you men will dominate as Junior's Varsity. Good luck to you, and enjoy these photos.