Saturday, October 29, 2011

a backpacking trip to coldwater

A couple weeks ago our troop set off an easy backpacking trip to Coldwater Campground near Figueroa Mountain. The hike was made memorable by poison oak. Everywhere. A plethora of poison oak. Once we bypassed the poison oak and set up camp, a group of us continued on towards Dabney Cabin. Perhaps the most exciting to happen to us in a while was finding a leaf that was incredibly shocked. Pictures are below. We got there, returned back to camp, ate food, and took some light painting pictures. The morning brought more food and hiking out.

Please do comment, critique, share, and as always enjoy!

Aisles of Creekside Trees

Dabney Cabin by HDR

The Black and White Creek

Speckled Clouds for a Hike

Hiking on the Side

Poison Oak and Sage by HDR

A Stream of Rocks

Lone Pine by the Trail

Poison Oak Up Close

Festive Poison Oak


Coldwater Rust

Not the Boot

The Frightened Leaf

Exit the Cabin

The Creek by Color

Sun Through an Oak

A Dinosaur Maybe

The Bat Rabbit

Fingernails and a Horn

They Are Glasses

Sun Coming Down the Valley

A Torch Tree

I Cook Excellent Foods

Tents by Morning Sun

Hiking Back Home

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

second xc league meet at arroyo verde

Our middle league meet held differing outcomes for our teams. The day was hot, dusty and difficult for many. We saw some amazing performances from some amazing runners and with the next meet, we will  be moving on to CIF competition.

Finishing a race and running to grab a camera to document the next races takes a good deal out of me. I wish I could get pictures of the great people I run with and the races that come before.

Please enjoy the photos and comment, critique, share and play favorites.

Girls Varsity
Rocio in the Hill Bushes

Running Past the Cheers

Climbing in Stride

Cruising Downhill

Striding Downhill

Eyes on the Finish

Flying in to Finish

Final Kick

Floating In

Seeing the End of the Race

Guys Varsity
Varsity Pack Start

El Piqueno Blanco Diablo

Nic Holding On

Running Through the Gauntlet

Hauling to the Finish

Mad at the Finish

Coming Through Finish

Charging from Far Out

Eyes on the Clock

The Guidelines

Thanks for reading!

Friday, October 7, 2011

the calm after the storm

While driving home from cross country practice yesterday I couldn't help noticing the clouds. A storm passed through the day before and for about an hour in the late afternoon a little rain shower passes through the hills. I drove up above the San Marcos Foothills and ran around taking some pictures. The clouds were exactly what I needed to try out some HDR work as well.

Please comment, share, critique, view, and enjoy!

A Dark Sky Passes Through

The Light After the Storm

The Lone Tree to the Side

La Cumbre and Cathedral Peaks Wide

Sun on a Fire Break

The Top by Volcano

Power on the Mountain

Santa Barbara Mission Peeking Out

A Clear Day for the Mountains

The Dark and Light of the Clouds
Had to include the color and B&W versions of this one. Any preferences between the two?

Thank you for viewing! Please visit again soon.